HOW DID IT ALL BEGIN?1995 CWUHA was set up in response to an appeal from trade unionists living in War torn Bosnia, in particular the town of Tuzla. The first convoy arrived Tuzla in July 1995. The determination to deliver the aid direct to those who needed it most, cutting out the risk of it falling into the hands of self- interest middlemen set the agenda for every CWUHA convoy that was to follow.
WHO ARE WE?Communication Workers Union Humanitarian Aid is a response to the plight of vulnerable children in other countries and the UK from trade unionists, families and friends, who work in Britain’s and Ireland’s postal and telecom industries.
HUMANITARIAN AID WHAT MAKES US SO SPECIAL?Of course, there are other charities, which collect medical equipment, food, clothing, toys, and other forms of aid for needy children. What makes CWUHA unique, however, is our cardinal principle – our volunteers actually deliver the aid to the places where it is needed most. This way, donors can be confident that their generosity will be translated in to aid at the point of need! We are also unique in that we pay no wages or honoraria.
The CWUHA office is also run at virtually no cost because thanks to the CWU and BT we pay no rent, no phone/email bills. All this keeps our office admin costs way below 5%.
At the end of the Bosnian war with the support of CWU, BT & Royal Mail, (Royal Mail & BT loan us vehicles and supply fuel) CWUHA developed new aid routes to Bulgaria, Romania, Ukraine, Moldova, Transnistria, Albania and Lithuania. CWUHA has delivered thousands of tonnes of aid to hundreds of orphanages, foster & adoption centres, rundown hospitals and direct to vulnerable families.
Many of the children residing in orphanages are not orphans, but are placed there by families who confronted with overwhelming financial problems believe that their children will be better cared for in these institutions.
Working closely with other charities that have carers working in these countries we can target and help the most vulnerable families, and assist local fostering and adoption schemes. Hopefully this ensures that these children grow up in a loving family environment. We have also delivered life saving medical equipment i.e. incubators, scanners to rundown hospitals in Eastern Europe.
To build on our successes CWUHA has sought new supporters like the Communication Workers Union (ROI), An Post and Eircom and other trade unions. There involvement guarantees that we can continue in our work to make the lives of thousands of destitute families and vulnerable children a little more bearable.
NOT JUST CONVOYSIn addition to convoys CWUHA has funded renovations including Social Assistance and Foster & Adoption centres, playground area at hospital that cares for children with disabilities and a Centre for Street Children in Moldova. All these projects will help keep children off the streets and away from harm.
With the support of BT we have funded school projects in Tanzania, East Africa, including the total renovation of the ‘Kilma Hewa School’ building two new classrooms and a toilet. We also purchased new school chairs & desks, writing books and playground equipment. The school is for children that cannot afford to go to a local primary and where payment is in firewood and maize. They set up a scheme to arrange for the pupils there, which come from particularly disadvantaged backgrounds to be sponsored. CWUHA has agreed to help by sponsoring some of these children.
CWUHA donated thousands of pounds towards the Tsunami Appeal and to the families affected by earthquakes in India and Pakistan we also delivered via a third party tons of clothing to street children in Mongolia.
Though the majority of our work is focused on other countries CWUHA has raised and donated thousands of pounds to many good causes in the UK, including hospices, a holiday home for children with life threatening illnesses and specialised equipment for CWU members’ children.
With the guaranteed support of CWU HQ, branches, members & friends, CWU Panel Solicitors, BT, Royal Mail, Alliance & Leicester, Eircom, An Post, UIA, CWFS, Century One and TU Ink, CWUHA can continue in its efforts “to deliver a smile to needy children” as long as there is a need.
WHO ARE WE?Communication Workers Union Humanitarian Aid is a response to the plight of vulnerable children in other countries and the UK from trade unionists, families and friends, who work in Britain’s and Ireland’s postal and telecom industries.
HUMANITARIAN AID WHAT MAKES US SO SPECIAL?Of course, there are other charities, which collect medical equipment, food, clothing, toys, and other forms of aid for needy children. What makes CWUHA unique, however, is our cardinal principle – our volunteers actually deliver the aid to the places where it is needed most. This way, donors can be confident that their generosity will be translated in to aid at the point of need! We are also unique in that we pay no wages or honoraria.
The CWUHA office is also run at virtually no cost because thanks to the CWU and BT we pay no rent, no phone/email bills. All this keeps our office admin costs way below 5%.
At the end of the Bosnian war with the support of CWU, BT & Royal Mail, (Royal Mail & BT loan us vehicles and supply fuel) CWUHA developed new aid routes to Bulgaria, Romania, Ukraine, Moldova, Transnistria, Albania and Lithuania. CWUHA has delivered thousands of tonnes of aid to hundreds of orphanages, foster & adoption centres, rundown hospitals and direct to vulnerable families.
Many of the children residing in orphanages are not orphans, but are placed there by families who confronted with overwhelming financial problems believe that their children will be better cared for in these institutions.
Working closely with other charities that have carers working in these countries we can target and help the most vulnerable families, and assist local fostering and adoption schemes. Hopefully this ensures that these children grow up in a loving family environment. We have also delivered life saving medical equipment i.e. incubators, scanners to rundown hospitals in Eastern Europe.
To build on our successes CWUHA has sought new supporters like the Communication Workers Union (ROI), An Post and Eircom and other trade unions. There involvement guarantees that we can continue in our work to make the lives of thousands of destitute families and vulnerable children a little more bearable.
NOT JUST CONVOYSIn addition to convoys CWUHA has funded renovations including Social Assistance and Foster & Adoption centres, playground area at hospital that cares for children with disabilities and a Centre for Street Children in Moldova. All these projects will help keep children off the streets and away from harm.
With the support of BT we have funded school projects in Tanzania, East Africa, including the total renovation of the ‘Kilma Hewa School’ building two new classrooms and a toilet. We also purchased new school chairs & desks, writing books and playground equipment. The school is for children that cannot afford to go to a local primary and where payment is in firewood and maize. They set up a scheme to arrange for the pupils there, which come from particularly disadvantaged backgrounds to be sponsored. CWUHA has agreed to help by sponsoring some of these children.
CWUHA donated thousands of pounds towards the Tsunami Appeal and to the families affected by earthquakes in India and Pakistan we also delivered via a third party tons of clothing to street children in Mongolia.
Though the majority of our work is focused on other countries CWUHA has raised and donated thousands of pounds to many good causes in the UK, including hospices, a holiday home for children with life threatening illnesses and specialised equipment for CWU members’ children.
With the guaranteed support of CWU HQ, branches, members & friends, CWU Panel Solicitors, BT, Royal Mail, Alliance & Leicester, Eircom, An Post, UIA, CWFS, Century One and TU Ink, CWUHA can continue in its efforts “to deliver a smile to needy children” as long as there is a need.